Environmental Defense Fund
3D Graphics & Animation
MethaneSAT AR
Our friends at EDF had a major presence at COP26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, and used their time on the world stage to raise awareness for their latest mission: MethaneSAT. Set to launch in 2022, MethaneSAT will be able to locate, monitor and trace global methane emission with unparalleled precision.
The best part is that all data MethaneSAT collects will be made public, free and accessible worldwide. Knowing EDF was going to have some of the world’s highest ranking decision makers in the room, we knew we had to make a splash. We developed an interactive AR experience that delivers the ultimate bird’s-eye view of the global methane problem and how MethaneSAT will lead the way toward solving it. We have exciting plans to grow this project and make it publicly available, so stay tuned.