Brad Parrett

Creative Director

Brad, or Bradley like this bio says, doesn't go by Bradley now and wonders why Kurtis won't give him the password to make changes to the website himself. Hide it in your bio if you need it to be a game. 

After graduating from UT Austin, Bradley spent his next few years freelancing on film and video productions of all shapes and sizes, slowly working his way up to being the person that has to make shape- and size-decisions about film and video productions and eventually the person who butts heads with the first person because the budget shouldn't be his problem. During this time, there grew in him a deep appreciation for challenges on both sides of the creative process. 

A sudden collision of luck and above average work ethic opened up a workhole on the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema programming team and for four years, Bradley was in it. Those years were spent developing, producing and promoting a surprising number of special film events and other film-adjacent special events, many of which were foolhardy but some of which were legendary. 

Before joining Fair Worlds, Bradley was the Creative Director at Arts+Labor. 

He lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, son and cabbit.

Brad Parrett